JumpShift Foundation
Supporting good people doing good things
We established the JumpShift Foundation in 2019 with the mission of providing high quality leadership development to organisations and people who may not otherwise have access to it. Led by Alistair Dinnis, our General Manager of Development, the foundation gives emerging leaders a leg up into the world of work, and equips them with the skills and capabilities needed to thrive in VUCA environments.
Some of our partnerships on this exciting journey

Springboard Trust
Springboard Trust’s vision is transforming schools together through effective strategic leadership that shapes students, schools, staff, parents, whānau and communities – creating incredible long-term outcomes and a brighter future for our tamariki.
In 2021 we were delighted to provide an awesome group of leaders at the Springboard Trust with discounted scholarships for our Art of Facilitation Workshop and we’re very much looking forward to continuing to partner together for this important cause.
“A fantastic day of learning and reflecting. Thanks again for sharing and inspiring us to bring our best to the mahi we do each day”
Coastguard New Zealand
Coastguard is the charity saving lives at sea.
With more than 2,000 volunteers and 77 staff, Coastguard remains committed to enhancing leadership, for its people in communities around the country.
The JumpShift Foundation is proud to sponsor Coastguard New Zealand’s Outstanding Leadership Award 2022. Congratulations to Paul and Jayne Wheeler from Coastguard West Coast for winning this award, their inspiring story and amazing achievements!

The JumpShift Foundation has also subsidised team coaching for Coastguard’s Leadership Team and the co-design and delivery of Coastguard’s Leadership Development Programm
Our work with Coastguard is aimed at fostering the next generation of leaders and building key leadership skills with staff and volunteers.
Staples Education Foundation
Staples Education Foundation is a tertiary scholarship programme established in 2015. It was created to assist Year 13 Students intending to study a tertiary qualification. The scholarship was designed to help recipients transition from school to university and beyond, by providing financial and holistic support, including matching them with mentors and buddies, ongoing training through a support and development programme, and two weeks of work experience in their chosen field.

The JumpShift Foundation and members of the JumpShift team have provided a range of support to students, including being a work experience provider and mentoring support for two students and providing mentor training for others supporting the scholarship programme. Together, we strive to create an amazing student experience and contribute to a positive impact that ripples through their lives, families, and communities.
If you’re interested in exploring how the JumpShift Foundation could support you, your organisation or someone else, please get in touch. We would be happy to connect with you!